About Me

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I try to get the most out of life. I think of myself as happy and upbeat and I love to make people laugh. I laugh at myself, a lot. I am engaged to be married to my best friend and soulmate. That sounds cliche, but it's true. I have three wonderful kids, two cats and a golden retriever who is like another kid. I have two stepkids whom one day I hope will come to accept me as a person who loves their dad very very much.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Not a stellar day....

Hello Friends,

I'm back after a busy weekend of lots of yard work. I am hoping that counted as exercise because it consumed the better part of Saturday and Sunday. Our yard looks beautiful and I was pretty darn worn out by Sunday evening. I did my usual share of socializing: out with the girls on Friday night, watching our beloved Cleveland Cavaliers lose on Saturday with the neighbors. Eating and drinking more than I should but not going hog wild either.

Despite what I consider at least halfway decent efforts, the number on the scale refuses to budge!! The fact that it happens to be "that time of the month" for me does not help matters at all. I can always count on 2-3 lbs gain during this time. I am reminded once again how difficult it is for me to lose weight.

Today, I did great with my eating plan. I ate very moderate portions of healthy foods. However, I had a very hectic day at work and by the end of my shift, did not feel well at all. I had a slight headache, stomach did not feel good, and very, very fatigued. All I wanted to do after work, was to curl up in a ball and snooze on the couch. And that is exactly what I did! I was in major low energy mode the rest of the evening. Rich and I did have a very pleasant walk with the dog but that is as much energy as I could muster. I am not feeling too great about myself right now but I am trying to stay positive. We all have good days and not so good days. I have decided my weight loss tip of the day will be different ways to gauge your progress.

Mary Lou's weight loss tip #4: Use varying methods to gauge your progress:

1) The scale: Weigh yourself the same time everyday, preferably first thing in the morning. I have heard different theories, including only weigh yourself once a week. Here's what I do: I weigh myself everyday. If I don't like what I see, it motivates me to do well the rest of the day, if I'm happy with the number, it is positive reinforcement. However, I only RECORD my weight once per week. That is a good way to track progress.

2) Clothing: Your clothes fitting looser is a sure fire way to know you are losing weight. I wear scrub pants to work. When I was gaining weight, those babies were getting tighter and tighter until they were busting at the seems. I knew right away I had lost some lbs when they felt loser. I remember getting ready for a trip to Floriday in the winter years ago and being shocked when my summer "skinny" clothes actually fit. What an awesome feeling!

3) Take your measurements: I take my measurements once per month. The main areas are : chest, waist, hips, and thighs. I also measure upper arms and calves. You would be amazed how much an inch here and an inch there adds up! Just make sure you measure the same area each time at the same spot.

4) Body Fat percentage: I have a digital scale that measures body fat percentage. The average percentage for woman should be 22-24%. I am at 34%. Your body fat should decrease with your weight. That way you know you are losing fat and not lean muscle and/or water. It is a good indicator of what "type" of weight you are losing.

I need to reinforce my efforts each and every day. Try to stay positive! Tomorrow is another day full of possiblilities!

Yours in Health,

Mary Lou

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mary Lou! I know what you mean...it's "that time" for me too! I'm happy with what I got accomplished so far. Check out mine today...and the comment problem should be fixed, so you should be able to leave them now! xoxoxo
